News & events

Celebrating the Class of 2024: A Journey of Achievement and Ambition

This week, we proudly marked the end of high school for a remarkable group of students, the Class of 2024. These 12 ambitious young individuals have spent the past four years preparing for careers in fields such as Computer Game Design, Marine Biology, Hospitality Management, American Bachelor of Business Administration, Film Directing, and Media Communication.

Despite awaiting their Cambridge exam results, which are expected in the fall, many of them have already received offers from prestigious universities including:

  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
  • Howest University of Applied Sciences, Belgium
  • Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
  • Stirling University
  • Portsmouth University
  • Hotelschool The Hague (two students)
  • Tiffin University
  • Amsterdam University College
  • University of Groningen
  • Utrecht University
  • National School of Political Science and Public Administration

We are incredibly proud of who they have become and the paths they have chosen. It is our hope that the foundation laid by our dedicated team has played a significant role in their journey.

We look forward to reuniting officially in 10 years, but our doors are always open whenever they wish to return home.

Congratulations, Class of 2024! May your future be as bright and inspiring as your time with us.