News & events

Creators of the Future

For the IOANID team, the thirteenth year brought new, bold ideas, as well as surprises for the entire community. At the end of the previous school year, all members of IOANID – students, parents, and teachers – were invited to an event organized under the pretext of an art exhibition that would bring together both the artistic creations of middle and high school students, as well as musical and literary creations, and video collages.
Thus, on June 2nd, we gathered in a new architectural space at 109 Calea Victoriei, where we displayed our works. Collective paintings, live music, and video collages were all part of our event program, hosted by the beloved Selly. In addition to the student-prepared moments, the IOANID team also prepared many other surprises and activities (photo corner with augmented reality, interactive tattoos for students, etc.), as well as a final surprise, kept closely hidden by the organizers, which also involved our high school students.